Spiritual Direction
Who is God for me,
and who am I for God?
Spiritual Direction is a conversational style of prayer, where we are seeking God together through the journey of life. This sacred 3-way conversation engages us both with God who is wholly focused on you, caring for you in your trials, and on building your secure attachment to Him.
With training from Soul Shepherding Institute, I offer spiritual direction that combines the wisdom of ancient Christian traditions, intimacy with Jesus, and Christ-centered psychology. As we journey together through the ups and downs of life, I'll provide the empathy, supportive resources, and reflective listening for you to become more and more enthralled with Jesus in your deepening intimacy with Him.
Listening with empathy is my favorite way of enjoying art. I love seeing the beauty of what God is doing in someone's life as they share, reflecting it back to them, and watching Him care tenderly for and give them flight in those redeemed places. Painting hearts through active, attentive listening creates a beauty that is harder to see but easier to feel. My desire is to embody Christ in such a way as to help Him bring sight to the blind and bounce in their step.
During a session, you will not be coached in any way, nor given a therapeutic experience. I simply offer space for you to process the ups and downs of life and recognize where God is in the midst of it all.
Spiritual Direction sessions typically last 60 minutes and are usually once a month.
My fee is $50/session.
Embark on a Quest
"Our hope is hidden not in the possession of power but in the confession of weakness...
"...The main questions for spiritual direction - Who am I?... Where have I come from?... And where am I going?... What is prayer?... Who is God for me?... How does God speak to me?... Where do I belong?... How can I be of service? - are not questions with simple answers but questions that lead us deeper into the unspeakable mystery of existence...
"...Yes, yes indeed, these are the questions. Don't hesitate to raise them. Don't be afraid to enter them. Don't turn away from living them. Don't worry if you don't have a final answer on the tip of your tongue."
Henri Nouwen, Spiritual Direction: Wisdom for the Long Walk of Faith
"For me, spiritual direction is always storytelling...But I find it doesn't matter where we begin. It is always a story of a journey, always a story about relationship with God... it is about connecting the individual's story to the Story, and thereby helping the person to recognize and claim identity in Christ and discern the action of the Holy Spirit... Spiritual Direction is always about Hope."
Margaret Guenther, Holy Listening: The Art of Spiritual Direction